10 Brutal Career Traps (And How to Avoid Them)

Career Traps

Navigating the professional world can be a daunting journey, filled with unexpected challenges and pitfalls. These obstacles, often referred to as Career Traps, can derail even the most promising careers. From overcommitting to toxic work environments to neglecting personal development, these traps can have a significant impact on your professional success and overall well-being.

Staying Because It’s Easy

Don’t stay at a job because it’s easy, stay if you’re learning or earning.

What to do:

  • Revamp your resume
  • Develop new skills, or
  • Move on

Living Other Peoples’ Dreams

Find your Ikigai–discover what you’re good at and brings YOU energy.

What to do:

Align you passion, skills, and purpose.

Relying on Others to Drive Your Career

No one cares more about your career than you.

What to do:

Take action to find your answers. Apply for jobs, ask for feedback etc.

Thinking Everyone is Your Friend

Not everyone around you wants what’s best for you-watch who you associate with.

What to do:

Surround yourself with positivity and avoid energy vampires.

Waiting For The Perfect Moment

Choose progress over perfection – build habits and show up daily, even when it’s hard.

What to do:

Stop overthinking and start taking action.

Ignoring the Bigger Picture

Choose between what you want now and what you want the most.

What to do:

Invest in yourself by learning new practical skills (e.g. how to use AI) and building a personal brand.

Playing It Too Safe

Job security is a myth. Stop confusing stability with security.

What to do:

Explore new opportunities and take risks

Believing Talent Is Enough

There is no escaping hard work and building your network

What to do:

Outwork your talent – build your skills and network with those ahead of you.

Being Afraid to Negotiate

Gratitude and ambition can coexist-don’t settle for less than you deserve.

What to do:

Track your wins, build your case, and negotiate confidently.

Thinking Hard Work Speaks for Itself

You need smart work and hard work to get promoted and grow.

What to do:

Work on key projects with the decision makers

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